We are dedicated to providing the best training possible, starting with our 7,ooo sq.ft. classroom facility. Multiple classrooms allow different courses to be taught simultaneously.

RAKM provides a 345' Self Supporting Tower for all practical training given in Fort Worth, Texas. This gives our students the ability to train at elevations higher than any other training company.

Our retail partner, Maple Leaf Ropes has set up partnerships with the largest and most widely used manufacturers in the world. RAKM can provide the training and MLR can provide you the equipment.

(RAKM Safety & Rescue)
RAKM Safety & Rescue is a family owned business, founded in 2011 by Rick and Dee Dee Flynt. The letters RAKM, stand for our daughters (youngest to oldest) Raegan, Abby, Kendall and Mackenzie.
After years in the fire service and the telecom industry we recognized a need to properly train telecom climbers and first responder's to safely work on telecommunication towers, and to rescue others in need on those towers. We believe in a Boot Camp/Academy style of training, climbers should train more, not less and our pricing provides companies the financial freedom to provide that training.
Our program has a proven track record with one of the largest telecom companies in the world and we welcome the opportunity to train all climbers.